Optical glasses for running parts

by Dirk
(Frankfurt, Germany)

Hello Mogsy & Richard,

thank you for the interesting information on your website.
As a runner with some passion for swimming I intend to start SwimRunning in 2020.

Do you have any suggestions for optical glasses for the running parts?
(Something that is easily packed away the swimming parts)
For the swimming I will use optical goggles (2 and 4,5 diopter), but I think it's not a good idea leaving them on on the run.

Thank you, and keep on swimrunning,

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Dec 26, 2019
Swimrun with Optical Run Glasses
by: Richard & Mogsy

Hi Dirk
Thanks for your message and comments about our website. One suggestion we have is to use a running belt with a pouch, or adapt your swimrun float belt (if you have one) by sewing a pouch onto it. This is what we did for our last event so we could carry our own gels. We are going to add a photo to our equipment page.
You could then put your running glasses in the pouch when you were swimming.
When running you just run holding your goggles or stuff them down your wetsuit. It is not a good idea to run in optical goggles.
We have had a quick look and there are quite a few running glasses on the market that can be made to your prescription. www.rxsport.co.uk have some - in fact the ones Mo Farah wears! But there are other options. We would recommend plastic, foldable frames and ensure your pouch to hold them in is big enough.
We have seen people at events with sunglasses so they must have similar way of storing them when swimming.
We are making this question a web page so other readers can see it and comment, so you may get other suggestions too. If we think of anything else we will add a comment.
Welcome to the exciting world of Swimrun! Happy training and good luck next year. We would love hear how you get on.
Best wishes
Richard & Mogsy

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